Our Beautiful Future Selves

Our Beautiful Future Selves like to visit our irresistible morning kisses

Our Glorious Future Selves are kind, forgiving, and wise

They enjoy our quiet relaxed connection, fresh and delicious

They are loving us for who we’re becoming and all that we are

Our Future Selves meet again and again.. in the center of our hearts

They enjoy cooking, napping, walking, and taking bubble baths

And also savoring coffee and ice cream with us

Our Future Selves are the light gleaming from our smiles and tears

They are joyful, playful, light, and mischievous 

They like to swim in the fresh waters of lakes and rivers

They fly on the wings of dragonflies, birds, & butterflies

They love soaking up sunsets and take the sunbeam rides

They like to sing and their favorite song is a giggle  

They are extending out and receiving the gift inward with… joy

They curl up beside us as we slip into sleep holding hands, grateful and free 

They love soft pillows, flowers, lavender scent, and good stories

They are living through us, dancing, writing, laughing, creating, crying, grieving,

Moving, shaking, pausing, talking, loving, walking, feeling

Our timeless evolving Future Selves are always present, awake, and alive here